Clear Pool Fence Australia
At Clear Pool Fence we hope you can find all the information relating to your pool fence, whether you looking to build a new fence or perhaps just replacing an old one.
You will find all the information you need to help you make informed decisions about your pool safety.
New Queensland Pool Fence Laws in Effect
Queensland pool owners are now required to have their pool fence inspected at a minimum of every 5 years.
Under the new legislation, all previous exclusions and exemptions are now invalid. While residential pool owners have been given somewhat of a break in terms of undertaking making a changes to pool fencing to comply with the new laws, commercial or shared complex pools must have a pool fence inspection completed every 12 months. Likewise rental properties are also fall under the same scrutiny with a certificate of currency being required between new lessee's.
Once an inspector attends a property for inspection, you only have 21 days to make repairs or suitable changes to the fence before re inspection. Inspectors are required by law to report any failure to re-inspect should an owner choose not to make the appropriate fence repairs.
Pool Fence Regulations
Click here to visit the regulations page